Fifteenth Sunday


The word repentance in Greek is metanoia which means change your thinking. In other words tune into God’s will rather than your own. Change your view or orientation in life and set course for heaven. The primary reason that Christ, as God, became Man, and entered our world was to redeem us from our sins. The word redeem means to pay back. Another term is atonement: at – one -ment. All sin has been redeemed, including original sin, and paid for by the Precious Blood of our Saviour on the Cross. In July we honour the Blood of Christ. A debt was owing on humanity and the Lord Jesus willingly offered himself as the blood Sacrifice to wipe away all sin. This is what we mean by justification. One should not confuse redemption with sanctification or salvation. They are connected as a foot is to the leg – yet remain distinct. One may lose their foot but retain their leg. All are redeemed but not all will be saved. Redemption occurred without us but salvation requires our effort. Our holiness or path to heaven involves a constant effort to work with God’s grace and avoid sin. Sin be it personal or original prevents us from being united to God; it is an obstacle to heaven. Even the baptized, once original sin has been removed, need to repent daily of personal sins.




Contributions / Collections
1st – Priest: Hume BSB 640000  Acc: 111031654

Name: Holy Spirit Presbytery

2nd- Parish: Hume BSB 640000  Acc: 111056699

Name: Holy Spirit Parish