May GOD bless the children and their families.
Twenty third Sunday
“Be Opened”
Jesus heals the sick. As God he has divine power, as Man he uses his body to heal. He takes the dumb man away from the crowd, the noise of others, to be alone with God. We likewise cannot hear God when our life is too busy, too noisy. Jesus touches his ears to hear and his tongue to speak. A reminder of this ancient gesture is in the Rite of Baptism. A divine touch of grace enables us to hear God’s Word and then we proclaim that word. Words make up a story. Jesus is the Word of God. The Bible is God’s story – his story of salvation and we are a part of it. A story is comprised of five elements: theme, plot, characters, background, style. One character that hopefully is a part of your story are your parents. To fully grasp the meaning of God’s written word, here are three Bible rules:
1. observation
2. interpretation
3. application
First, observe the text within its entire context. Always read each sentence several times to grasp its meaning. Also, ask yourself, to whom is it addressed and what are the circumstances? Next, interpret the meaning of the words and parables employed. Is the style employing metaphors, allegories or hyperbole? Check other translations, syntax and original languages. Last, apply the living Word to yourself today. What is God saying to me?
Contributions / Collections
1st – Priest: Hume BSB 640000 Acc: 111031654
Name: Holy Spirit Presbytery
2nd- Parish: Hume BSB 640000 Acc: 111056699
Name: Holy Spirit Parish