Seventeenth Sunday

The First Reading from II Kings prepares one for the miracle of the multiplication of loaves and fishes in the Gospel. Elisha was able to feed, by God’s grace, one hundred men with twenty barley loaves and some fresh grain. In St John’s Gospel the crowd notices the concern Jesus has for them who intends to teach them so that He can feed their souls. Today we have come to this Church to be fed by the same Christ who stood on the mount and fed His people. We have come not to fill our stomachs; we have come for the Bread of Life. Our souls are fed weekly in Holy Communion with the food of immortality, the pledge of eternal life: ‘Unless you eat my Body and drink my Blood you shall not have life in you’ says the Lord. May Holy Communion grant each one of us healing and strength and may it call forth from our hearts a generosity which will cause us to give ourselves to one another and to all who hunger for love. N.B. Nota Bene(note well): Once they were fed, all that they wanted and so that nothing would be wasted, they collected the remaining scraps into twelve baskets. Why 12? Because there are 12 Apostles who collected the words of life and spread them throughout the world.


Contributions / Collections
1st – Priest: Hume BSB 640000  Acc: 111031654

Name: Holy Spirit Presbytery

2nd- Parish: Hume BSB 640000  Acc: 111056699

Name: Holy Spirit Parish