
5th Sunday Lent: Catalyst to Calvary

Salt and Light – 5th Sunday


Holy Family Sunday

31st Sunday: poor souls

29th Sunday: perseverance

28th Sunday: Healing & Gratitude

25th Sunday: Time & Money

24th Sunday:  Lost & Found

24th Sunday – lost & found

First Holy Communion

Ascension of the Lord

5th Sunday Easter: love your neighbout

5th Sunday Lent: compassion & conversion

4th Sunday Lent: two lost sons

3rd Sunday Lent: holy ground

2nd Sunday: tale of two widows

26th Sunday: eternal death & mission

25th Sunday: ambition vs humility Padre Pio

22nd Sunday: holy hearts

21st Sunday: by whose authority

18th Sunday: food for the soul

17th Sunday: trust and obey

16th Sunday: shepherds & contraception

14th Sunday: Rebel or Rejection

13th Sunday: healing of hearts

12th Sunday: St John the Baptist

11th Sunday: bearing fruit

10th Sunday: blame game

Corpus Christi: real presence

Trinity Sunday: three in one

Pentecost Sunday: gifts of the Spirit

Ascension Sunday: hopeful heights

5th Sunday Easter: feelings & faith

4th Sunday Easter: Good Shepherd

Divine Mercy: misery or mercy

Easter Sunday: He is risen

Palm Sunday: fickle or faithful